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Alcanzando nuestras metas

El año de la serpiente

¡Descargue los fondos de pantalla de 2025!

El año de la serpiente nos recuerda que podemos alcanzar nuestros objetivos con determinación. La colección de pinturas de la artista Yuting Li refleja el concepto de viaje. Inspirada por la naturaleza siempre cambiante de la vida, la serpiente viajera hace su travesía durante todo el año para demostrar el compromiso de Cathay Bank de servir como el banco preferido por nuestros clientes.

Durante más de 60 años, Cathay Bank ha proporcionado las herramientas necesarias para establecer raíces y estamos orgullosos de acompañarle en el camino hacia el éxito financiero.


Haga clic en las imágenes a continuación para descargarlas.

An animated snake sitting on leaves wearing a red hat holds a scroll with the Chinese character written on it, pronounced "Fu," while red lanterns float above celebrating the lunar new year.

Two animated snakes smile while they sit over a rug writing the Chinese character "Fu" on red couplet celebrating the new lunar year, with various fireworks going off outside their window.

Two animated snakes sit on a blanket by the lake with an assortment of snacks for their Spring picnic – the cherry blossom petals float amongst them as a vibrant cherry blossom tree provides them with shade.

Three animated snakes fly kites on the hillside filled with grass, flowers, and a mountainous background.

Three animated snakes are roaming their city as they gaze up at the lanterns in red, orange, green, and purple displayed in front of the skyline at dusk.

A group of animated snakes paddle together as a team inside a dragon boat which displays a flag with the Cathay Bank logo, over a lake. Lotus flowers and mountain ridges fill up the landscape.

Three animated snakes are sitting for afternoon tea outside of a tea shop where a Cathay Bank branch is displayed in the background.

An animated snake is in search of books at a library. The window displays a beautiful lush landscape outside.

Two animated snakes meet over a grey stone bridge which contains a Cathay Bank logo. The sun is about to set over pink and yellow cotton candy color skies and the bridge is surrounded by pink floral trees.

An animated snake wearing a straw hat picks fruits off a tree in the countryside. The basket is full of fruit and is surrounded by long grass.

Three animated snakes eat moon cakes over a patio while admiring the harvest moon in the night sky.

Two animated snakes climb the Great Wall of China with matching backpacks surrounded by pink and blue cotton candy color clouds.

Two animated snakes wear red holiday hats while they build a snowman which carries a red Cathay Bank scarf on its neck. The background is surrounded by pine trees, dormant trees, and lots of snow.


Acerca de la artista

Yuting Li es una diseñadora radicada en los Estados Unidos que disfruta del estilo de vida nómada por todo el país. El arte y el diseño son sus mayores pasiones, las cuales persigue desde muy joven. La visión artística de Yuting sirve como puente entre los mundos creativos de oriente y occidente. Sus obras de arte captan una perspectiva única sobre el estilo de arte plano, influenciado por la estética, las tradiciones y la cultura pop del este de Asia. Yuting mantiene una presencia popular en las redes sociales, donde comparte sus últimas obras de arte y perspectivas creativas a través de @yutingl_art.



Cathay Bank

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